The site wizard, who enchants the code to make it work!


Okay, so, 2020 was not only my last year of high school, but, if you'll remember... the first year of Covid! Yay! Wow! What a winning combination. I felt extremely depressed for about 90% of this year-- it was a tough one, and honestly, I was pumping out art like crazy because I was at home so much (however, quality β‰  quantity). Oh yeah, this year was also the year I realized I was trans, so that's cool! Just as a sidenote, since it was so hard to find exact dates of a lot of these pieces, some of these works may be from earlier or later than 2020.

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UFOCHASING has been coded and run by Miles since April 19th 2022 :) Thanks for visiting my site, have a nice day!