The site wizard, who enchants the code to make it work!
December 22nd 2022

Currently feeling:

Woah! The first blog post of my new site reconstruction :0 how exciting! Unfortunately it seems like I managed to lose all my previous blog posts, which is sad, but I can pretty easily summarise it right here: "Work sucks I keep getting my hours cut oh hey I have a new job now oh geez work sucks I keep getting my hours cut OH MY GOD I MISS MY PARTNER I'm so depressed oh hey I have a new job now oh geez work sucks I keep getting my hours cut" and so on and so forth. Anyway, I'm pretty much still in the exact same situation, lol. I've enrolled in uni again now and I'm to be re-attempting the course I failed at the start of last year (actually that was almost 2 years ago now wow), so hopefully that goes well! I'm very proud of how my site is looking now (for the most part), and I hope you all like it too. Happy holidays!

UFOCHASING has been coded and run by Miles since April 19th 2022 :) Thanks for visiting my site, have a nice day!